(Founder) Ego

My precept to all who build is, that the owner should be an ornament to the house, and not the house to the owner.



  • Unchecked Founder ego silences reason and common sense, giving a false sense of determination.
  • It will destroy even the best company.

(Founder) Ego is the biggest killer of Startups, destroyer of relationships, a shroud of poisonous gas engulfing otherwise brilliant people.

STFU ! It’s not about you!

Why are you building a Startup? To bring a useful solution to an existing widespread problem. Not to become “Forbes Founder of the year”.

What you’re building is bigger than you, will hopefully outlive you, will bring relief and joy to many, customers and employees alike.

Hopefully, it’ll also bring you success, as a byproduct of the above… not as a primary goal.

If you chase success, glory, fame, and riches: you’re in the wrong business.

My experience: over the years, I have seen so many Founders sink with their ships, unwilling (unable?) to hear advice that could have changed their fate, accept they might be wrong.

I worked with some of them, as a co-founder, Executive, or just as an employee.

One common thread : Stubbornness.

Seen through the Founder’s lens, it looks like “Grit”, “Perseverance”, “Unwavering resolve”… nope, it’s not.

Want to fix it?

  • If you are the problem (Founder):
    • Do a sanity check with peers
    • Communicate with your team, First asking for anonymous feedback and suggestions to improve
    • Bring in your team and brainstorm on what changes to implement, when, and how.

(to be continued)